Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Found online while listening to President Obama's State of the Union Speech


He will have to learn, I know,
that all men are not just,
all men are not true.

But teach him also that
for every scoundrel there is a hero;
that for every selfish Politician,
there is a dedicated leader...

Teach him for every enemy there is
a friend,
It will take time, I know;
but teach him if you can,
that a dollar earned is of far more value than five found...

Teach him to learn to lose...
and also to enjoy winning.

Steer him away from envy,
if you can,
teach him the secret of
quiet laughter.

Let him learn early that
the bullies are the easiest to lick...

Teach him, if you can,
the wonder of books...
But also give him quiet time
to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky,
bees in the sun,
and the flowers on a green hillside.

In the school teach him
it is far honourable to fail
than to cheat...

Teach him to have faith
in his own ideas,
even if everyone tells him
they are wrong...

Teach him to be gentle
with gentle people,
and tough with the tough.

Try to give my son
the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on
the band wagon...

Teach him to listen to all men...
but teach him also to filter
all he hears on a screen of truth,
and take only the good
that comes through.

Teach him if u can,
how to laugh when he is sad...
Teach him there is no shame in tears,

Teach him to scoff at cynics
and to beware of too much sweetness...

Teach him to sell his brawn
and brain to the highest bidders
but never to put a price-tag
on his heart and soul.

Teach him to close his ears
to a howling mob
and to stand and fight
if he thinks he's right.

Treat him gently,
but do not cuddle him,
because only the test
of fire makes fine steel.

Let him have the courage
to be impatient...
let him have the patience to be brave.

Teach him always
to have sublime faith in himself,
because then he will have
sublime faith in mankind.

This is a big order,
but see what you can do...
He is such a fine fellow,
my son!

Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beware Of False Friends

A friend contacts you on Twitter, Facebook, Texting on a cell, etc.... anything but In Person.
They need money.
They are probably a hacker who got into that account and it's a scam.
Ask them.. what happened with Betty on that summer night in 2006.
[bogus question, see if they say.. What?]
First indicator that they might be real.
Then Ask them something that DID happen, and see if they know the answer.
Then ask them to Call you direct... calls are now cheap.
Talk to them .. person to person... and find out WTF is really happening.

- Me


From: http://www.brainfuel.tv/dilberts-retirement-plan

Dilbert’s Retirement Plan

This is Scott Adams retirement plan:

  1. Make a will
  2. Pay off your credit cards
  3. Get term life insurance if you have a family to support
  4. Fund your 401k to the maximum
  5. Fund your IRA to the maximum
  6. Buy a house if you want to live in a house and can afford it
  7. Put six months worth of expenses in a money-market account
  8. Take whatever money is left over and invest 70% in a stock index fund and 30% in a bond fund through any discount broker and never touch it until retirement
  9. If any of this confuses you, or you have something special going on (retirement, college planning, tax issues), hire a fee-based financial planner, not one who charges a percentage of your portfolio

Adams boldly states that this is “everything you need to know about personal investing.” In just 129 words, nine simple points, one page you have the unabridged “Unified Theory of Everything Financial.” That’s it. Everything!
Thanks to Adams’ formula, the average irrational investor can ignore Wall Street: “Everything else you may want to do with your money is a bad idea compared to what’s on my one-page summary. You want an annuity? It’s worse. You want a whole life insurance policy? It’s worse. You want to invest in individual stocks? It’s worse. You want a managed mutual fund instead of an index fund? It’s worse. I could go on, but you get the point.”

Source: MarketWatch and The Dilbert Blog.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I was thinking of Prop 8... (what? - Google it!)... anyway, I was thinking of Prop 8 and all those people who love their partner like I love Nancy.
Why would someone be so insecure in their life, to want to take away someone else's concept of Love?

I feel so, so sad for those who are in the tug-of-war with the assholes who want to do harm to those who are in Love.

Is that the theory behind the villain in novels ?
Villain: Someone who is an asshole for no good reason.

I hug inside for those in Love, and I cry outside for those poor, demented, insecure assholes. Such a waste of time, effort.

Parents Never Die ( totally )

A friend at work lost one of their parents, and it got me thinking of mine.

I still see my Dad every day when I look in a mirror. I see my Mom when I look in my eyes.
I feel my Father when I help someone out... Financially, Knowledge wise, and I feel my Mother the most when I just give someone a hand, or just with a Smile.

I suppose my GrandFathers amd Gramdmothers are looking back at us, too.
Mom and Dad probably feel them the same way I can "feel" Paul and Corine.

It probably goes all the way back to that tribe in Africa who crossed the Red Sea at low tide.

Wow, what a concept.... I suppose we all look down the long, long, long tunnel of relatives, and think warm thoughts up the other branches to everyone else who's out there now.

Hi World, Chuck Here !!!!
How the hell are you ????
How the hell are you ???
How the hell are you ??
How the hell are you ?
Echo.... Echo... Echo....
Hoo Hoo Hoo
and back comes a Haa, Haa, Haa !

It Wasn't

Watch out for the "Great Opportunities in other Divisions."
It means... we have to cut back and we're willing to lose you to save our personal bonuses.

Good news... seem to be willing to throw other people off the boat first, cause I can navigate better than most. It will take a while longer, and a bit more desperate till they throw me overboard.

Yeeee, Haaaa !
Drop your drawers and slide on the ice.