You may remember Marilyn [Peterka] Schmitz.
She was one of my older cousins.
She died out in Colorado, where Joanne [ My Sister ] and her hubby live.
Anyway, Marilyn was 79, and was totally aware to the end. She had the family in the ICU on her last day and looked around the room, looked everyone in the eye as she scanned the room, and then said,
"So, what's everyone gonna be on Halloween ?"
They all hemmed and hawed and talked about the various projects and 'family events', etc and that they hadn't really had time to think of it.
Then Marilyn put both her arms up in the air and said,
"I'm gonna be a Ghost!"
Wow, us North Dakotans are a bunch of demented folks.
Funny, ... hell yes... It really happened.
Got the news from Joanne.