Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Penguins Again....

So there were these two penguins sitting on an Iceberg...

Think about it for a second, what would that look like?
Do (Can?) penguins even sit?

Or should it say... There were these two penguins standing on an Iceberg.

What is the proper phrase for two or more penguins just staying in one place for quite a while?
Are they sitting, or standing, or , or.., or what ?

Sorry, just a random thought on Penguins.

Oh, and I do like the colors... does it help them survive from seals , aka , Sea Lions ?
Black on top when they swim, so it's hard to see them from above against the black bottom of the ocean,
and white on the bottom, so if you're under them and looking up, they get lost in the sun light and ice above?

Humm.... sounds like a good concept for a PHD Thesis .

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