Monday, March 19, 2012

War, Huh! What is it good for?

OK.... This is a quick thought stream, and will probably be updated as time goes by.

I saw a comment yesterday and it stuck with me.... "Are we training our kids for combat with all the video games we give them?"

I can see the future 'Wars' being fought with robots that are remote control, and our kids are sitting in some sort of virtual control booth/seat/suit and controlling their personal robot(s) that have AI on board, so one kid can control a "SGT" robot and a few drones ( pawns ) to form a squad.  
  They train in simulators, then go 'side saddle' with one of the more experienced pros, and finally they get a SGT and squad of their own.  
   Wow, this sounds like it could be a great novel/movie.
   Show kid growing up playing video games, start with the Lego type games, then go into the more advanced Worlds of .. type games, and finally they 'join up' and graduate to the big league.  
    Army and Marine assault troops, Air Force aircraft and space based vehicles.  Navy ships, subs, and carriers.  (Navy may have a political battle with the Air Force over the aircraft control. )

    Then what happens when the 'kids' start to suffer from mission creep and PTS (Post Traumatic Syndrome) . They start to see the people and things that they destroy in their dreams, and start to have neurotic problems.  [ need a better word for that] 
Mental problems? Nervous problems, Nervous breakdowns? 

   That's book 1

Book 2
   Follows the recovery and change of attitude where he's now fighting the system [underground] to destroy the current war machine.  Humm... lots of computer stuff.. lots of simulator stuff.. lots of robot on robot stuff as you break into and out of various research and operational labs.
Wow, this could get Big.

OK, more later....

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