Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Generator info in my life.

Generac GP7500E 7500 Watt Portable Generator, Electric Start
got mine for $999.00 delivered.

I got a generator before SuperStorm Sandy hit us in the Philly area, and I LOVE IT !
The stuff to get is:
1. Make sure it's ELECTRIC START!  
  Like a snowblower, it's a heart attack trying to start it when it's cold and you keep having to pull and pull on the cord.
2. Get one at least 5000 Watts... Mine is 7500 and only cost $1000, got it from a firm in Tennessee
and they did FREE shipping right to my door.
3. Mine has a set of wheels, so it's like a wheelborrow and can be rolled in and out of the garage.
The E on the name is for ELECTRIC START!

You can probably get them at Home Depot, etc, and have a friend with a couple of 2X12's and a pickup truck to get it home.
This runs the Furnace, and the A/C in the summer.

Then (Here's the fun part ) had an electrician install a secondary panel with 10 breakers that has a bunch of circuit breakers with THREE Way toggles.

Circuit Breaker positions:
1. (top) Generator position
2. (middle)OFF Position
3. (bottom)  Main Utility Line Position
That process cost me $2000, but it was cheaper than a $6000 autostart whole house system.
I fire up the generator outside someplace safe, so the carbon monoxide doesn't get into the house.

Plug in this 15 foot heavy duty 4-Pronged plug, one end in the generator, one end in the plug in the garage that leads down to the panel in the basement.
Then go down in the basement and flip the switches from the Main Line to the Generator Line one at a time.
Wow, lots of stuff powered up.
Make sure the electrician includes the Washer, ( Dryer if it's Gas), dishwasher, garbage disposal, Furnace, Air Conditioner
For the 4 day outage last winter, we found this was critical.
End of story
Website on three options to hook it up.
1 is Dangerous,
1 is risky,
and 1 is super safe by having an electrician install a separate panel as I did.

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