Saturday, December 4, 2010

From Someone Else, and I agree

wrote a letter to my local papers The Times Daily and Courier Journal, which I rarely do about the current political issues. Here is the letter. If any other papers across the nation want to print it, feel free too.
November 23, 2010
Why Vote Republican?  
Dear Editor:
I’ve always felt that Democrats were the party of charity, while Republicans are the party of greed. Many people consider themselves to be Republican up until they lose their jobs. You don’t see many who turn down unemployment checks or social security.
I’ve heard Republican pundits say that they are the party of morality. What’s moral about letting people starve to death because they lose their job? What’s moral about letting someone die because the hospital won’t treat them without insurance? What’s moral about cutting funding for our policemen, firefighters, and teachers, so you can give a tax cut to a billionaire?
I’ve always said that I’m not rich enough to be Republican. Unless you earn over $250,000 a year, Republicans are not doing anything for you. Trickle “ down economics has never worked. These companies that get the tax cuts and then make record profits, don’t hire more people or create any more jobs than they would have without them. What they do is give their executives raises and bonuses. They make the rich richer, and they don’t contribute anything to society.
What truly surprises me is that the southeast U.S., which is generally not as educated, votes Republican. Why? The Republicans depend on the uneducated to buy into their empty rhetoric. If these people actually looked into what Republicans really care about, rather than believing everything Fox News tells them, they would be ashamed of themselves. And if they weren’t, I guess they weren’t so moral to begin with.
What is wrong with being progressive? What happened to moving our country forward, and staying in front of the rest of the world? People who want our country to go back to the idyllic 50’s era America are delusional. It’s never going to happen. Why not try to be at the forefront of the future? As a country we have been falling behind for years. We no longer make the best products, the best cars, or provide the best education.
What happened to us?
Cynthia R. Yildirim
Florence, Alabama 
(c) copyright by her in 2010.

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