Monday, November 17, 2008

The New Black - A political view

First only land owners could vote... knights, lords, US of A, etc..
Then Women finally got the vote.
Then Blacks, Orientals, etc finally got the right to marry with Whites.
That finally changed around 1967.... J F C... 1967... I was defending the nation and stationed in England.. 1967..
This month we elected our first "Black" President - Hoo Ray !!!!!
This month California passed Proposition 8 - Marriage is only legal between a man and a woman... what a load of crap! Who determines who you LOVE.. Capital L ?? No one PICKS their LOVE, LOVE Picks Them. Gays are the new cause... and we must change the law and make life LOVELY for everyone.

Wanda Sykes .. stand up comic said it best...
"You're saying being Gay is a choice. Are you tellin' me you're Straight because you choose not to be Gay?!"

And Bernie Keating said another great Truth !
Special Thanks to Bernie Keating at for this one.

Separate, But Equal. Never Was. Never Will Be.

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